Friday, February 1, 2013


With this Post, Flying Pages will run only on Fridays.
Why? I summarized an answer with the following Acrostic Poem. I trust my fellow writers––submitters, contributors, and competitors––will understand.


Deadline demands, can't drag my feet
Erase intrusions for a writing feat
Avoid mistakes, grammatical errors
Delivered on time, rejection defers.
Lines not accepted after submission
Improves writing speed without exception.
Needing a break? Then I'll take one.
Easier tasks feel like a breeze, and the
Sooner I finish, the sooner I'll move on.

Please stay with me, give me a shout of support, and in short order Flying Pages will return to its original schedule.  Wish me good fortune, and that the wind be at my back. Thank you everyone.


  1. I love reading it whenever it is available. Your blog becomes my own special quiet time reserved just for me. June

  2. Thank you, June, for kind and supportive words. Flying Pages will be here next Friday, guaranteed.

    1. Always in character, how clever to make the announcement in a literary fashion rather than in a boring announcement! I hope the time recaptured pays off soon. I'll be missing a little bit of Tuesday now.


  3. Hi RB––thanks for thinking it clever. The same message would've been the same in prose, albeit wordier, had I taken that route. I'll take the rest as a rah-rah, so double thanks.
